The Projects

18+ serious roleplay

14,000+ Members
2,000+ Active Players

The Projects RP


Make sure to view The Factions Rule Book


The Projects is a Serious Roleplay City the age requirement to play is 18+ if you are caught in the server and you do not meet the age requirement, You will be Banned.

You Must have Medal, Outplayed or Some form of Screen Recording Software enabled at all times, we recommend clipping each of your Interactions.


The Projects is a place where everyone can come to RP together & a place where everyone is treated equally. You WILL treat others here with respect Out of Character, No questions. Whatever happens in role-play, should STAY in roleplay and should not be brought in the discord or OOC. DEROGATORY TERMS are not acceptable under ANY circumstances. Example If you see a girl char then that individual is a girl no matter what you hear. We have a zero tolerance for discrimination, these include but are not limited too:
– Fagg*t
– N*gger
– Tr*nny
– Ret*rd
– Transf*ormer
– D*ke
– Q**er


We want this to be a place where people will want to start their RP life and tell their friends about it. In order to do this, It takes personal responsibility towards keeping the community stable and by helping us remove any and all toxic behaviour you may come across.
When you come across unacceptable behaviour,or someone breaking the rules, Please come to the Discord and direct yourself to the Support-Ticket channel and create a ticket.
If something does not go your way and you get upset and start to disrespect a team member here, there will be consequences for your actions!


You are not Allowed to Kill, Rob, Fight or Have any Type of Interactions in Any of the Following Locations

– The Hospital
– The Apartments
– The Mines
– Any Active Event

You cannot Kill or Camp at Spawn Points, Catch them elsewhere.

You cannot linger in Greenzones, Handle whatever you’re doing and leave.*

You can have an Interaction across the Street from the Safezone

Anyone found breaking Greenzone Rules, Trapping, Interacting or having any type of Interaction in a Greenzone will receive an automatic 1 week flight.


You are NOT permitted to roleplay sexual acts, detailed acts of torture or dismemberment, cannibalism, or other extremely morbid activities without the explicit CONSENT of all participants through /me & /do, If you do obtain that permission, the permission can be withdrawn at any time. The roleplay must take place in private, away from where any individuals who have not given their consent for this type of roleplay might innocently enter.


When playing the server you must stay in Character at all times (unless told to do so by staff). Out of Character Terms cannot be used, This includes Rule Explaining.


If a Civilian wants to rob/kill, Then a 5 minute interaction must take place. All Parties involved must have clips of the interactions. Civilians cannot slide with more than 4 Members in an Interaction/Attempt to rob/kill/scam. Gangs cannot beef with Civilians & Civilians cannot beef with gang.

For Faction & Gang Related Interaction rules & Gang/Civ rules make sure to view The Factions Rule Book.


RDM: Randomly killing/attacking somebody without any roleplay initiated or story behind it.
An example is: You run up to somebody and shoot them just because you find them annoying.

VDM: Randomly running somebody over. Ramming into vehicles purposely
An example is: Someone hits your vehicle, so you use your vehicle to purposely ram into theirs.

POWERGAMING: Forcing roleplay. Another definition is abusing game mechanics to gain an advantage beyond your character’s extent.
An example is: Roleplaying that you’re invincible or some sort of superhuman with strengths and abilities that was cause you to not get harmed


Scamming & Robbing is Permitted, It must follow basic Interaction Time Requirements, After The Time is Met you may Rob/Scam The Individual. If the Person doesn’t RP it out or fear for their life you can /report and report them for Failed RP which will Lead to a ban.

You cannot Scam/Rob or Perform any Transactions at all within a greenzone, as This Limits RP. This Includes /trapping. If you own a business you can conduct transactions while running your business.

For Bank Robberies & Hostages you are able to Hold Anyone Hostage Besides EMS. You can only hold a PD Officer hostage if it is for a heist/robbery & there is at least 5 other officers online. You cannot kill or rob hostages under any Circumstances.

No Real life money Transactions should take place in The City, This includes transferring Items, Money, Businesses, Properties or any Other Paid items.

1 of 1 Weapons are a Thing in The City, You may see guns labelled as ‘1of1 Rifle’ etc, These Guns are Custom Guns imported by Players. These Weapons cannot be Stolen, Police are Allowed to take them but they must sell them back for $250K to The Suspect. Anyone found stealing someone’s 1of1 Gun, Will be Character Wiped & Banned.


You should not leave a RP scenario unless it’s an OOC emergency. Leaving during a roleplay scenario without letting others know will result in a ban.


You are NOT permitted to exploit bugs or in-game mechanics for an advantage or to break mechanics that are there to restrict unbalanced gameplay. You will be banned examples include:

1) Bugs that duplicate items or give money.
2) Carry/Piggyback someone while knocked out or dead.
3) Using software to allow crosshairs.
4) Glitch Fighting/Carrying or Talking while dead.
5) Using /e sunbatheback.
6) Transferring Items between Souls.


1) If you are not rescued by emergency services (Police, EMS, and DOC) and choose to pay to be respawned/rescued, you are in a coma preventing you from remembering the moments leading up to you going to hospital. This includes the entire scenario of who and why you were killed.

2) If you come across the individuals that put you in the hospital, you must roleplay it out that you don’t remember what they did to you. The only time you will be allowed to remember what someone did to you is if the attackers themselves tell you, or someone who was present at the time of the attack informs you what happened.


The use of information gained illegitimately that may influence a character’s actions without prior roleplay.

Some examples are:

1) Cross character knowledge: When you use information gained from one of your other characters to gain an advantage on another character you use.

2. Communicating out of game: The sharing, selling or communicating of information gained in game to a player out of game.

3. Stream Sniping: Watching any stream while on the same server as the streamer is against the rules and WILL NOT be tolerated and will result in consequences if bought up by a member of staff.


Your character names should be realistic and have a First & Last name, your name may NOT be anything offensive or unrealistic.


The Chicago Police Department & Prison are restricted (unless you’re serving time in Prison, then you’re allowed in that premises). The only time you are allowed inside the prison is if you’re there to visit or involved in a prison break scenario.

– You cannot steal a PD or EMS Car.

– You cannot glitch/exploit out of The PD or Prison.


You are only allowed to own 2 businesses & 2 homes. We want to make sure at least every person has the opportunity to invest in one of these properties.


/me are Required to Up a Pole when you can’t see the Physical Action take place, ex: in a car, behind a wall etc. ex: “/me reaches into his waistband, pulls out his pistol & takes off the safety.”

/me are Required to Rob someone ex: “/me Pats down the Individuals Pockets looking for Items to Steal”

There is a 30 Second Grace Period to allow The Oppressed to Respond via /me if the situation requires it.


A Player Kill is when you kill your character but you do not remember what happened before your previous death. You’re able to continue to play on that character but you’re not able to attempt to do revenge RP, where you go and attack the person who ended up killing you.

A Character Kill is when you kill your character as in never playing on that character ever again. This means ending that character’s life. The character won’t be able to return, your character will lose everything (besides items you paid IRL money for)


Be realistic with your speed/driving, Do not Exploit Custom Cars abilities to do high Rates of speed.


Factions must have X4 2 Minutes Interactions in their threads approved by Faction Management in order to move on to ROS/KOS, Interactions are Reset Weekly on Monday at 12AM EST.

You can kill or rob, but you cannot do both.

After sliding on a gang you must play your block for 30 Minutes to allow for the opposing faction to get their get back, that gang is allowed to slide back on you following that interaction only.

Robberies need to make sense & aggressors must have at least half of the opposing sides numbers in order to be successful, for Instance 2v3, 3v5, 4v7 etc. If there is a bad robbery attempt ex: 1v6, 2v9 etc FM will issue a 1 Week ban & a pocket wipe.

There is a 1 hour cooldown in Between each Interaction. Except when you’re sliding back on Rule #3.

You may only slide on the same Faction ONCE per tsunami, meaning you cannot slide back to back on the same gang constantly.

No Transactions/Scams or Trapping can happen in a Greenzone at all.

There Cannot be any Interactions till 15 Mins After Restart or 15 Mins before Restart.

Gang Members must wear an Identifier that links them to their gang at all times, Either Gang chain or Gang Flag.


1) While in the city, you must stay in character at all times. If you come across a situation that is not going as planned or is starting to become uncomfortable, please TRY your best and role-play it out and if you feel it is necessary, you may contact MANAGEMENT to further help with the situation.

2) PLEASE DO NOT use OOC to go on rants or mention in-character details, or put someone on blast. You should never break character to rant about how you’re going to get someone banned.

3) Do not mention the server rules in character.

4) Do not mention how you have bodycam footage of an incident.

5) You WILL see some popular streamers on the server, and under NO circumstances should you come into the server looking for that person and addressing them from the OOC NAME you will be banned for it.

Copyright 2024 The Projects RP. The Projects RP is not affiliated with Rockstar Games/GTA V.